Moment in Time – Crawling Through The Dark

The crawling feeling was everywhere now.  He could feel them on every part of his body; sometimes inside his body.  The medications they gave him never helped.  They simply numbed him so much that the crawling would overrun him without any fight.  He couldn’t itch, scratch, or even scream for help.

His mind fogged day after day to the point he lost track of all sense of time.  The constant torture he lived in blended all the moments of his life, both past and present, into one long string of horror.  He refused to close his eyes because then they would come in greater force, he had to fight sleep until he couldn’t stop himself any longer.  His thoughts scattered and jumped so fast that he was unable to hold a thought longer than a few moments, but his mind screamed one word over and over –  Why.

Minutes or years later, the door would open and light would flood over him.  He couldn’t move nor could he even scream out, the drugs keeping him locked inside his own eyes.  Just as quick as the light would come, it would fade again and drown him in a sea of darkness and the crawling would return with a greater force.

His parents, though he could barely remember them anymore, must have given up on him seconds or centuries ago, he had no clue nor did he care any more.  He wanted it all to end.  He wanted the torture to end.  He wanted to yell out and tell them to end it, but every time he tried, his voice stood in his throat and refused to come out.  It was as scared as he was, something he didn’t think would have been possible.  He dreamt, the few times he did actually sleep, of his car and driving with his friends, but then the pain would return, force its way into the dream and make him wish he was truly there and could drive the car into another lane and end it all, but fate would probably just leave him in a coma, covered in the crawling and the drugs.  He could never have that, he would never make it through being trapped in his own – he would wake to the crawling, the crawling feeling was everywhere now.  He could feel them on every part of his body. . .

They hung on to hope for months, but no response ever registered.  They decided to keep him on support until he woke up.  It’s the only thing parents can do in this situation.  Hope.  They clung to each other as the doctor checked his eyes for signs of life. . .

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